Groundwater Nitrate Monitoring

Drinking water supply in many countries around the world is largely covered by groundwater resources. But groundwater is increasingly polluted with nitrate. One reason is the extensive practice of nitrogen fertilization in agriculture. In addition to mineral fertilizers, substrates such as liquid manure from livestock farms or biogas plants are used for the crops. Left-over nitrogen components, which aren’t degraded by plants at the soil layer usually percolate into groundwater as nitrate.

Accordingly, more and more often the maximum permissible threshold of 50 mg/L nitrate concentration for drinking water in the EU is being exceeded. As there is a lack of high-resolution measurements of nitrate concentrations, there has been a lack of data about the precise dynamics and trends of nitrate and nutrient loads in groundwater and surface water.

With the optical and low maintenance single parameter probe type SPS-NO3 there are new possibilities for environmental authorities and water suppliers to monitor nitrate pollution.



We supply a complete Nitrate Measurement System: making it simple to measure in any observation well starting van 3” diameter. With the possibility to automatically receive all measurement data directly on your network or cloud application. The system is also ready to connect a multi-parameter water quality probe that can measure e.g. pH, redox, conductivity, salinity, turbidity or oxygen. You can find our detailed information here.